About me

Hi! Hello! Welcome!

My name is Mads, short for Madeline, and I am truly thrilled that you decided to venture into my little corner of the internet.

This is my space to chat about all of the things I love, which just so happens to be a whole bunch of things. I started this little blog back in undergraduate, as a bright-eyed, anxiety-riddled, division one volleyball player with too many extracurriculars to count on one hand. Oh-so much has changed since the birth of this blog – and I have to say, (happy) tearfully, that I am ecstatic in the direction we are growing. While I like to think of myself as a wonderful “work in progress”, this space continues to be a place I come back to, to share thoughts, ideas, inspiration, & just about anything that makes me, me.

So, while we are on the topic of, well, me – I wanted to share a list of some of my most favorite things.

When I am not working in corporate wellness or coaching group fitness classes, you can catch me….

– hanging with my kittens, Nandor the Relentless & Martha Miso.

– perfecting my latest banana bread iteration.

– creating an elaborate itinerary for my next getaway.

– exploring every corner of my city – Nashville, TN. 

– scoping out the local farmers market goods.

– hyper-fixating on my latest craft obsession. 

– bopping around with my partner (& love of my life), MHB.

– making, photographing, and eating food.

They don’t call me Mads Eatz for nothing. 

Life has been an absolute whirlwind the past few years – so let’s dive into a quick recap so you are fully caught up, In May of 2020, I graduated from Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelors of Science in Dietetics. In July of that same year, I packed up and moved to Nashville, TN to begin my dietetic internship and masters coursework at Lipscomb University. I also moved in with my boy – big girls steps! As I wrapped up that program & gained my RDN, LDN credentials – I quickly threw myself into the workforce, dabbling in just about everything under the sun (clinical, eating disorders, private practice) before landing in my current role as a Health Coach & Registered Dietitian for a corporate wellness company. I also, in that span of two years, adopted two cats, went through some rough times with my mental & physical health (burnout baby), found a passion within teaching group fitness, got engaged, and participated in may other general life happenings. It has been an intense time of growth to say the least, but I would not have it any other way.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: how does one receive a degree in dietetics and claim to be non-diet? Well, it is pretty simple actually.  I am a firm believer that health is wildly variable per person, that there is no one size fits all when it comes to nutrition and wellness. For lack of a better way to put it – you are truly the expert of yourself – & I as a nutrition professional can only provide a helping hand along your journey to what works best for you. Basically, at the root of it, diets DON’T work. They really don’t. But, a healthy relationship with food & self does. I want to help you see your worth, beauty and importance outside of the scope of your weight and body. I want all humans to feel empowered to loudly and proudly take up space. 

Our bodies are truly amazing & do so much for us. As my relationship with food shifted over the course of college, I discovered the importance of food freedom rather than fixation. A desire and drive to eat whatever makes me feel good and fuels me throughout my busy life. And through this page, maybe I can show you how to do the same. Personally, I enjoy practicing intuitive eating, creating new and fun recipes to share with y’all, and doing my best to give my body the well-rounded diet it needs and deserves. I work out because it makes me feel good, not because I have to, and participate in many different forms of joyful movement.

Through this page, I hope to encourage others to live a happy, healthy, bake good-filled life. The adventure is truly just beginning. 

Anyway, love you. Mean it. Let’s do this. XOXO.

– Mads