So, I made a blog.

So, I made a blog.

Honestly, we all knew it was coming. I love writing, eating, traveling, photography, recipe-testing, and sharing all my highs & lows via social media, so now seems like a better time than ever to begin. I am incredibly excited, incredibly nervous, and incredibly ready to start sharing all my loves with you, whoever YOU may be.

Here are a couple tidbits I learned throughout the process of generating this site:

  • First off, WOW, website design is no joke. It takes patience, time, lots of editing, deleting, & re-starting, & maybe even a couple tears, but you will eventually get there. I watched roughly 72 hours’ worth of YouTube videos to get to this point and this lil’ baby of mine still has lots of work ahead of it. Fun Fact: If you want to learn something/anything, there is a YouTube video for that. I now worship the all-mighty YouTube and it’s vast array of knowledge.
  • Good things take time. I am wildly impatient. I want it done, whatever “it” may be, and I want it done now. I like having a set plan and sticking with it, come hell or high water, and I do not think anyone has ever described me as “go with the flow”. This blog will be different & I plan to treat it differently. It is my own little baby that I will love, nurture, and watch grow with each new post and idea. I made this blog because I wanted to & not because I was made to, so I will do all that I can to make it the best it can be. I want those that read it to sense the amount of hard work I have put into each post. It will take time to grow, but all good things do.
  • Just do it already, you know you want to. I have wanted to start a blog for a couple years now. Ever since I started @mads.eatz back in 2017, it has been an echoing thought in the back of my head that one day it would be more. I wanted to be able to share more, do more, and grow. The only thing that kept me from starting, was me. You get “too busy”, life gets “too hectic”, and the last thing on your mind is doing something simple for the fun of it. Well, I am here to inform you that now is the time. Do it!! Whatever it is. Take that dream/chore/goal off the back burner and just do it already. Do it for yourself, because no one will want it & work for it as hard as you.

Let me end this post by stating that I am by no means what you would call a writer. I am also by no means a professional chef, and I am definitely not a “wellness guru” or “life coach”. I am simply a girl with a deep-rooted love for food, hoping to spread that love to those who read this blog. So, thanks for reading this blog!! Seriously, from the bottom of my heart and then some, thank you. I hope Mads Eatz gives you as much joy as it gives me. Or, at least teaches you a new recipe or two.



2 thoughts on “So, I made a blog.”

  1. Grandma Susan

    You are turning a traditional midwestern cook into a “ try it, you might like it “ whaaats that ingredient? … yum! – more worldly one. Thanks Miss M.

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